Join us for a reading of the dark comedy-drama "I'm Not Rick Springfield!" by Vicki Vodrey.
Directed by Amanda Boyle. Cast is Jennifer Mays, Scott Cox and Matt Leonard with Kevin Payton on guitar.
Monday, March 14, at the Midwest Dramatists Center, 3607 Pennsylvania (in the Writer's Place). The reading begins at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a talkback with the playwright, director and cast. As with all MDC readings, no reservations required and it's FREE!
Directed by Amanda Boyle. Cast is Jennifer Mays, Scott Cox and Matt Leonard with Kevin Payton on guitar.
Monday, March 14, at the Midwest Dramatists Center, 3607 Pennsylvania (in the Writer's Place). The reading begins at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a talkback with the playwright, director and cast. As with all MDC readings, no reservations required and it's FREE!